NOTE: Load might be slow. Click to focus.

Long Live the Queen Bee

As a newly mated queen honey bee, establish and manage your colony to live a long life.

Balance expanding your nest, growing your worker bee crew, and foraging for honey - your workers will not be happy with you when they starve.

Winters are harsh, so stock up on honey before December (month 12) - your supplies will have to last you all the way to March (month 3).

There is no explicit win state; try to stay alive as long as possible with as many workers as you can.

TIP: Job orders are assigned in the order they're issued, so be sure to have forage jobs queued before massively expanding your nest.


WASD or arrow keys

Primary cell job order (default honey)
Left click

Secondary cell job order (default worker)
Right click

Toggle primary and secondary


The dynamic in-game tutorial is in the lower left corner of the screen.

You can also read an updated version here:

  1. Hover over worker cell to lay egg
  2. Left click to queue honey cell
    Hungry bees get angry
  3. Fly over honey cell to queue foraging
    No foraging in winter
  4. Right click to queue worker cell
    or toggle with space, and left click
  5. Survive the winter
    Spring starts on the 1st of March


Long Live the Queen Bee is my submission for Bevy Jam #4.

Even though the jam was 9 days, I only started making this game three days before the deadline~

Models made in Blender.
Textures made in Aseprite.
Sound effects made with jsfxr.


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I couldn't figure out how to lay an egg at first. The instruction "Fly over worker cell" didn't tell me I needed to stop over the worker cell. 

Thank you for playing!

You’re absolutely right, that is not very clear from the in-game tutorial.

I’ve updated the tutorial on this page to (hopefully) reflect this mechanic~